Detroit Deal Diva

Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

With the economy being what it is, saving money has become a priority for most families.   As a result coupon usage is at an all-time high. This increase helped open up a new niche in the blogging world. Many blogger  have taken advantage of this need and started writing blogs dedicated to showing us how to save money in just about every aspect of our daily spending.

I rely on my fellow bloggers for all of the invaluable money-saving information that they share. There are a lot of really good “Frugal Blogs”, so when I decided to write this post it was difficult for me to narrow it down to just 10. The blogs on my list are the ones that I frequent most often. All of the blogs on my list are focused on saving money but, each one has something unique about it that keeps me coming back. 

1. Money  Saving  Mom-This blog has informative and well written articles  covering  topics such as how to monetize your blog and how to pay cash for a house. 

2. Hip2Save-This was the very first frugal blog I visited and it is still one my go-to sites for daily deals and freebies.  It is updated numerous times during the day  allowing you to take advantage of some the more time sensitive deals.

3. Totally Target-The name says it all.  If you want to know anything about shopping at Target, this is the site for you. The writer also started a Target forum which is a great place to connect with other Target shoppers.

4. Couponing to Disney-In addition to daily deals, this site offers helpful information for anyone planning a Disney vacation.  You can learn how to have a spectacular  trip without breaking the bank.

5. Bargains to Bounty-This site  has weekly coupon matchups for several grocery stores in the Greater Detroit area.  My favorite weekly matchups are the ones for Meijer.

6. The Mommy Reporter-This blog is a new discovery for me.  It’s only been on my go-to list for about a month.  The articles are interesting with a lot of useful information for being a successful “Mommy Blogger.”

7. Meijer Madness-This site is dedicated to all things Meijer.  Considering the fact that Meijer is my favorite grocery store. This site is is very helpful to me when I’m  making my weekly grocery list.

8. The Coupon Goddess-I read  this blog simply because it is well writen and I enjoy the witty and often humorous posts.  The writer is also a supreme couponer and a generous donor.

9. Penny Pinching Diva-This is another blog that I read becasue it is engaging.  Depite the many challenges she faces, the writer is very open about her life and I have become a little  emotionally invested in her experiences.

10.  Who Said Nothing in Life is Free-This site  almost always has at least one or two deals that I never see on any of the other blogs.  Her posts are short and to the point and that they just to cut to the chase.

These are my 10 favorite frugal blogs.  I know there are many other awesome blogs, but I have learned that you  have to pick a few good  blogs to follow or you will become overwhelmed with the vast amount of information that is available.

When trying to establish your go-to list, I would advise you be pick blogs that offer infomation that is useful to you and  focus on the goals that you are trying to accomplish. You also want to choose blogs that speak to you or touch you in some way.  I would reccommend that  you visit  a number of sites just to see what’s out there. Add the sites you like to your “Favorites”. In time you will notice that you are visiting certain sites more regularly than others and your go-to list will emerge.

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